McLean Asset Management

2017 – Q1 Quarterly Market Review

By McLean Asset Management / April 19, 2017 /

This report features world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the last quarter. It begins with a global overview, then features the returns of stock and bond asset classes in the US and international markets. The report also illustrates the performance of globally diversified portfolios and features a topic of the quarter.…

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Indexes 101, Part 3: The Birth and Evolution of Index Investing

By McLean Asset Management / April 18, 2017 /

  According to legend, a pharmacist by the name of John Pemberton was looking for a cure for the headache when he first tried blending Coca leaves with Cola nuts. Pemberton couldn’t have known this recipe would eventually reach the heights of fame, even though Coca-Cola® never ended up achieving his original goal. This story…

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4 Ways to Manage Sequence of Returns Risk in Retirement

By McLean Asset Management / April 17, 2017 /

Sequence of returns risk, or sequence risk for short, is the risk that you will need to take distributions from your investment portfolio when the market has recently declined. Taking distributions when the market has gone down effectively “costs” more than at other points in time because you are forced to sell your investments at…

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Review: Investors flock to ‘macro’ hedge funds, but not only the old guard

By McLean Asset Management / April 14, 2017 /

Looks like certain hedge funds are back in style now. With the constant conveyor belt of hot new investments, as soon as something starts to lose its luster, there’s always something ready to take its place. This time, at least according to the article, it’s macro hedge funds. Macro hedge funds are basically hedge funds that…

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Review: 11 ways to reduce next year’s tax bill

By McLean Asset Management / April 13, 2017 /

Hopefully you’ve been able to close the books on last year’s taxes by now. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore them for another year. Now’s the time to make sure that you are doing everything you can to minimize your taxes in the future. This article has some suggestions on how to make sure…

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What is the Stock Market?

By McLean Asset Management / April 13, 2017 /

The stock market is confusing. When you talk about it, people tend to nod their heads sagely and make bland comments, like they do with most things relating to the economy. We know it’s important, and most of us hope it will provide us the retirement we want – but we don’t actually understand it,…

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Indexes 101, Part 2: Why So Many Indexes?

By McLean Asset Management / April 11, 2017 /

Remember when the financial media was positively giddy over the fact that the Dow Jones hit 20,000 points earlier this year (and we weren’t so impressed)? In part one of this series, we looked at what exactly the “points” measure in market indexes (not always what you might expect, as it turns out). Today, I…

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What Does It Mean When People Say the Trump Rally Has Created an ‘Overvalued’ Market?

By McLean Asset Management / April 7, 2017 /

The financial markets are interesting things. Their direction is largely determined by emotion, yet everyone pretends they are based on cold, hard numbers. Past market behavior is easily quantified, so people feel like if they just study the numbers enough or use the right models, they’ll be able to figure out what will happen next.…

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Review: 5 Things You Need to Know to Reach Your Financial Goals

By McLean Asset Management / April 7, 2017 /

This is one of the best retirement “tips” articles I’ve read in a long time. Retirement is generally pretty straightforward. It’s a lot like losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle. Everyone kind of knows what they need to do to reach their goals, at least in a general way, but very few people actually want…

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