Retirement Insights

Indexes 101, Part 2: Why So Many Indexes?

By McLean Asset Management

Remember when the financial media was positively giddy over the fact that the Dow Jones hit 20,000 points earlier this year (and we weren’t so impressed)? In part one of this series, we looked at what exactly the “points” measure in market indexes (not always what you might expect, as it turns out). Today, I…

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Why Does Everyone Experience Such Different Retirement Income Outcomes?

By Wade Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RICP®

Individual investors are vulnerable to the sequence of market returns experienced over their investing lifetimes. Individuals who behave in exactly the same way over their careers (saving the same percentage of the same salary for the same number of years) can experience disparate outcomes based solely upon the specific sequence of investment returns that accompanies…

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What Does It Mean When People Say the Trump Rally Has Created an ‘Overvalued’ Market?

By McLean Asset Management

The financial markets are interesting things. Their direction is largely determined by emotion, yet everyone pretends they are based on cold, hard numbers. Past market behavior is easily quantified, so people feel like if they just study the numbers enough or use the right models, they’ll be able to figure out what will happen next.…

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Review: 5 Things You Need to Know to Reach Your Financial Goals

By McLean Asset Management

This is one of the best retirement “tips” articles I’ve read in a long time. Retirement is generally pretty straightforward. It’s a lot like losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle. Everyone kind of knows what they need to do to reach their goals, at least in a general way, but very few people actually want…

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Review: A new market high: First ETF to target marijuana stocks

By McLean Asset Management

The financial services industry can be incredibly creative when it comes to money. And one of their favorites is to launch products around the hot new trends – whether they are actually useful isn’t really important. And marijuana legalization is definitely one of the hot new trends – especially in Canada where a marijuana ETF…

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Review: How trading ETFs may lose you money—especially if you’re a guy

By McLean Asset Management

Trading is bad for your wealth. The data is monstrously clear on this. This article singles out ETFs, but really it’s anything. Yes, ETFs have made it easier to make bets on what different pieces of the market will do, but it’s not like anyone was lacking in ways to trade before ETFs came along.…

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Review: Not Getting a Big Tax Refund? You’re Actually Doing It Right

By McLean Asset Management

We see these types of articles every year, and there’s a reason for that. A tax refund is not free money. In fact, it’s returning free money that you gave to the government. It’s the difference between what you actually owed and what was withheld from your paycheck. You could (and should) have had access…

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Is the ‘Trump Rally’ Really as Great as Everyone Says?

By McLean Asset Management

There’s been a lot of talk about the “Trump Rally,” and just how historic it’s been. MarketWatch called it  “the best 50-day performance for a GOP commander-in-chief ever[.]” The media loves to overstate things, and it made me want to dig in and figure out what is actually going on. Before we dive in, I…

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Review: Top 6 Common Retirement Mistakes

By McLean Asset Management

There’s some good advice in this article – with one glaring exception. Most of the article covers some of the common mistakes people make when retiring – things like not getting the most out of Social Security, missing Medicare deadlines, or not knowing what you actually want to do in retirement. Those are great reminders, but…

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