Retirement Insights
Review: Hate Risk? You’ll Love These 2 Dividend Stocks
Articles like this one really bug me. They bug me because someone acted on what the author told them to do – and their retirement may very well depend on getting it right. This article is particularly egregious because both the presentation, as well as the actual content, are going to hurt people. Let’s start with…
Read MoreBuilding A Retirement Income TIPS Ladder
A TIPS ladder can be constructed similarly to a Treasury strips ladder, using the same date from the Wall Street Journal Market Data Center, which provides a daily report of wholesale prices from the secondary markets for all outstanding TIPS issues. On January 3, 2017, there were forty outstanding TIPS available, with maturity dates ranging…
Read MoreWhat Would A 30-Year Bond Ladder Cost A Retiree Today?
Building bond ladders for retirement income is an important but understudied topic. Especially since we are at a point in time when many are worried about future interest rate increases, bond mutual funds risk locking in capital losses when shares are sold to meet expenses, while a bond ladder will still provide the obligated cash…
Read MoreReview: Retirement planning is more than just saving money
All too often, when people think about retirement planning, they’re really thinking about investing. While investing is (often) a really important part of retirement planning, it’s only a piece of the puzzle. Retirement planning covers pretty much everything – it’s figuring out what you want to accomplish in retirement, and how you’re going to pay…
Read MoreReview: Aurinia’s stock plunges after big share offering at deep discount
It’s really easy to forget the underlying purpose of the stock market. Everyone always looks at it essentially as a horse race or a measure of how well a company is doing. But the reason the stock market exists is for companies to raise money. That’s the whole point of issuing (in other words, selling)…
Read MoreHow To Buy Individual Bonds
Bonds can be purchased on both primary (when bonds are first issued) and secondary (subsequent trading) markets. There are wholesale markets for large institutions (with trades of at least $1 million) and retail markets for individual households. is available for purchases of traditional U.S. Treasuries, TIPS, and I bonds, in taxable accounts, without any…
Read MoreTaxonomy Of Retirement Income Bond Ladders
When it comes to retirement income bond ladders, Joe Tomlinson created a taxonomy of different types in his 2014 Advisor Perspectives column, “Why the Risk Reduction Benefits of Bond Ladders Have Been Overstated.” His list inspired me to create a more extended version in Exhibit 1. Click here to download Wade’s fact sheet, “What Is…
Read MoreUnderstanding the Funded Ratio
Everyone wants to know where they stand with their finances – Will I be able to have the retirement I want? Do I have enough? Roughly how far do I have to go? Am I overfunded (believe me, it happens)? A funded ratio is a great tool for taking stock of your financial picture as…
Read MoreReview: What millennials wish their aging parents would tell them
No one likes talking about what will happen as they get older. It’s just not really a fun topic. But it’s an important one. Fidelity recently released a study that shows a massive disconnect between what parents and their children expect as their parents age. As the author says, your children are happy to help,…
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