Retirement Insights

Which Is Better for Retirement Income: Insurance or Investments?

By Wade Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RICP®

Retirement income planning has emerged as a distinct field in the financial services profession. But because it is still relatively new, the best approach for building a retirement income plan remains elusive. There are two fundamentally different philosophies for retirement income planning, which I call probability-based and safety-first. Those philosophies diverge on the critical issue…

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Risky Business: Why Younger Investors Should Take Risks in Their Portfolio

By McLean Asset Management

Millennials began their careers around the 2008-2009 downturn and are understandably gun-shy around stocks. They saw their parents’ losses and want to avoid having the same thing happen to them. As a result, most millennial investors are opting for the security of large cash positions or more conservative portfolios to make sure they don’t experience…

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Dave Ramsey’s 8% Withdrawal Rate

By McLean Asset Management

Having spent the better part of the last 10 years in Japan, I have not been all that familiar with Dave Ramsey. Sure, I’ve heard from time to time that there is a radio show financial guru who talks about 12% market returns and an 8% withdrawal rate in retirement, but that sounded so farfetched…

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Withdrawing a Constant Percentage of Remaining Wealth

By McLean Asset Management

For almost all of my work on retirement withdrawal rates, I’ve assumed a constant inflation-adjusted withdrawal rate strategy.  That is, the withdrawal rate is defined as an amount of income withdrawn in the first year of retirement as a percentage of retirement date assets. This income amount then adjusts for inflation in subsequent years. Since…

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William Bengen’s SAFEMAX

By McLean Asset Management

If the long-term average real return from the stock market is 7%, does that mean one can safely use a 7% withdrawal rate from a 100% stocks portfolio without worrying about running out of wealth or even dipping into the original principal? The answer is No. But answering yes is a common mistake; one which…

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Analyzing Fixed-Income Securities and Strategies – Journal of Financial Service Professionals

By McLean Asset Management

Executive Summary Fixed-income instruments are largely used within a portfolio to reduce volatility and provide a more consistent distribution stream for clients. Holding non-callable instruments backed by the U.S. government offer significant protection in times of financial crisis while reducing the long-term opportunity cost of bonds. U.S. government instruments with maturities from one to five…

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