Retirement Insights

Occam’s – When Does a Separately Managed Account Make Sense?

By Bob French, CFA

Mass customization is the dream for most industries, and the financial services industry is no different. Everyone’s investing goals are different, so it makes sense that we would want to be able to specifically design the funds that we use to reach our goals. The plethora of mutual funds and ETFs out there give us…

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2021 – Q3 Quarterly Market Review

By Bob French, CFA

Q1 2020 – Quarterly Market Review

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Occam’s – Inflation

By McLean Asset Management

Inflation is one of the economic topics that you can count on breaking into the public consciousness regularly. It’s hard not to notice that prices go up over time, and now is one of those times that inflation has come to the fore. We’ve had incredibly low levels of inflation for a while now, and…

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2021 – Q2 Quarterly Market Review

By McLean Asset Management

Q1 2020 – Quarterly Market Review

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Occam’s – How Are You Different From the Average Investor?

By Bob French, CFA

People are a lot like snowflakes. If you don’t look all that closely, we’re all roughly similar. But the closer you start looking, the more different we are. We all have our own unique situations and experiences, and these drive who we are. This also describes who we are as investors. We can make big,…

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2021 – Q1 Quarterly Market Review

By Paula Friedman, CFP®, AIF®, CPFA

Q1 2020 – Quarterly Market Review

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What Happened with GameStop

What Happened With GameStop?

By Bob French, CFA

It’s a bit of an understatement to say that GameStop has been in the news lately. There are a lot of people opining about what is going on, but we want to cut through that and look at what actually happened (we look at what it all means in another article. So what actually happened,…

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GME and WallStreetBets

What Does the GameStop Kerfuffle Mean?

By Bob French, CFA

It’s been a pretty wild ride with GameStop. But while there has been a lot happening, does it actually mean much? We’ve examined the details of what happened elsewhere, so I’m going to focus on some of the bigger questions that this whole affair raises, and specifically how this all impacts long-term investors. So let’s…

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Understanding Bond Returns

By McLean Asset Management

Stocks get all the attention. They have big, flashy returns, there’s always something happening, and you can use them to tell pretty much any story you want about the markets. Bonds may not be as flashy, but they form the bedrock of your portfolio. They are the anchor that keeps your investments grounded while your stocks…

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