Review: The fate of the stock market rests on Tom Brady’s shoulders
Investors can find signals anywhere, for better or worse. Apparently one of the better ones out there is the Super Bowl. Since 1967, when the AFC wins, the markets are down for the year.
Unfortunately for me, I live in New England. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do…
At least this time it seems like the active managers recognize the absurdity of what they are saying. No, the Patriots winning the Super Bowl is not going to hurt your finances (unless you make some unadvised bets on Sunday). How Tom Brady plays won’t impact the markets one way or the other.
The article also points out that, according to Asian astrology, we’re in for “modest, if not spectacular” returns this year. Every year is named after one of twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac calendar. The year of the Rooster (of which 2017 is one) has seen the S&P 500 average 4.1% since 1945.
I feel ridiculous saying it, but astrology, either eastern or western, has no impact on the stock markets.
However, I’m not sure that the author quite got her own joke – after highlighting the calls made by the Super Bowl and ancient astrologers, she dives right in to what the modern astrologers (excuse me, “analysts”) are predicting. According to them, the ancient astrologers are right.
A good investment experience has nothing to do with roosters, Super Bowls, and market analysts. If you want to be a better investor, you need to tune out all of the noise (like this article), and focus on things that really matter.
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