Why Embracing Uncertainty Might Be the Smartest Retirement Move You Can Make

A boardwalk winds through the sunflowers of Arivaca Wetlands. Southeast Arizona.

Uncertainty tends to make people uncomfortable—and that’s understandable. When you're approaching retirement or already living it, unpredictability isn’t exactly welcome. You want to know your income will last, that your plan will work, and that you’re making smart decisions with what you’ve saved. But here’s something that might feel counterintuitive: a little uncertainty is not only unavoidable - it’s essential.

Think of it this way: if there were no risk, there’d be no return. The reason the stock market has historically delivered long-term growth is that it’s not predictable. If it were, everyone would invest the same way, and there’d be no reason for those higher returns to exist. The ups and downs— the very things that make the market feel risky —are what drive long-term growth. Without that uncertainty, your investment portfolios wouldn’t have the opportunity to grow in the first place.

That doesn’t mean uncertainty is easy to live with. Especially in retirement, when you’re no longer adding to your portfolio and instead relying on it to support your lifestyle. But the goal isn’t to eliminate uncertainty altogether. Rather, the goal is to understand it, plan around it, and use it wisely.

Managing your emotions is a large part of dealing with uncertainty. Instead of trying to predict the next downturn or pick the next winning stock, creating a plan that accounts for a wide range of outcomes can address anxiety around potential outcomes. That might mean identifying the amount of market exposure that feels “right” for your situation, building in buffers like cash reserves, or diversifying your sources of income. It's about aligning your financial strategy with your comfort level and long-term goals.

The truth is, no two years in retirement will look exactly the same. Some will be better than others. But when you’ve got a plan in place—and someone you trust to help you stick to it—you’re better equipped to ride out the volatility and stay focused on the bigger picture.

It’s a lot like life. You’ve already spent decades making trade-offs, managing risk, and adapting to changes. Retirement isn’t all that different. Uncertainty doesn’t have to feel like a threat but rather a source of opportunity and a sign that growth is still possible. Instead of fearing uncertainty, follow a financial plan that can flex with what life throws at you.

McLean Asset Management Corporation (MAMC) is a SEC registered investment adviser. The content of this publication reflects the views of McLean Asset Management Corporation (MAMC) and sources deemed by MAMC to be reliable. There are many different interpretations of investment statistics and many different ideas about how to best use them. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, or results obtained from any information on this presentation. Indexes are not available for direct investment. All investments involve risk.

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McLean Asset Management